Our Team

Burswood Partners is a small firm located in South Perth (previously in Burswood), servicing clients from the Perth and surrounding metropolitan area as well as country and interstate clients.

With 2 directors and 5 staff, we focus on assisting clients to achieve their financial and life goals. We work closely with our clients and by understanding your business, we are able to provide you with the best possible solutions in order to achieve ultimate outcomes.

With over 50 years experience, our partners have a wealth of knowledge and ideas that will allow you to grow your business and expand your financial wealth; ultimately achieving a variety of lifestyle goals.

Our vision is simple:
If our clients do well, then we do well.

Amanda Robinett

Sharon Hubbard


Amanda and Sharon have worked together for over 15 years and as a result have a complimentary range of skills which ensures that clients have the benefit of a diverse partner knowledge base.  As part of our approach, clients meet with both partners and have the benefits associated with both partners understanding their needs.

Sarah Steers

Kathryn Young

Andrea McGuckin

Nikki Watson


Our admin team work closely with the accounting team and directors to ensure all client needs are fulfilled.  They are available to assist with many generic and ASIC related queries.